Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Realizing "IT" on the list

Do you have a "list"? Not a grocery list, not a list of things to be done/fixed around the house...but a "LIST"?...the one that belongs to only you, the one list that might find you staring up at the sky wondering when your time will come to tackle your list......do you have it written down somewhere? I don't.....my list happens to change like the seasons, ebbing and flowing like a stream. 

I used to write and plan things that I might like to accomplish in my life, I find that as the seasons pass and the sands of time drift, so do I.  It's a more relaxed way for me, freedom to perhaps experience or jump onto something I might never have thought of before or that I have decided brings very little fear to me at this stage of my life.

Each time I embark on a trippy it's scratching my list a bit for no real reason, I find that I want to wander through the clouds, over the mountains, following rivers to see what it is I can find to experience or challange myself to stretch a bit more...what some might call a comfort zone, I cannot stay put there.

Tomorrow I hope to scratch my itch.....

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Bucket List

This time next week.....I hope to be on trippy where I've talked about going foreva......my one buddy rags on me....I ain't neva been able to get there...please weather gods...favor a little bitch who needs to be a bird..it can't be much too ask for.

It's dreams and bucket list's that keep us alive, don't ya think? I only wish I could kidnap someone to share with....but...IWBF (i will be fine)

Planning this trippy has probably been the most relaxed....adventure to the nines....strive to end in this zone...the unknown world of adventure...I really jell well here...not surprising if you know me.

I promise to share with only you that follow where I go and what I end up doing...

keep your toes, eyes, and legs crossed....I need all the help I can getttttttttttttttttt... :-)

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Simply the truth

Amazingly I am blessed with a hobby that I share with my main squeeze Bar and my buds...I took off today in search of the colors of Fall and found myself far from home.  I was wondering around the mountains and really lost myself....this flying bug I have consumes me and gives me the utmost peace and comfort that I'm at a loss of words of how I came to be here.

The sheer beauty of our world never ceases to humble me and I cannot fathom how I am fortunate to have the freedom I have to fly where the wind blows me.

I landed at home base and fell into my hubby's arms and simpy said "thank you".........you see he introduced me to flying and since then I have become a junkie to it's sweet nectar.

Nuff said......you might or might not get this......I'm okay with that.......simply needed to share it.

Monday, October 8, 2012

The Real Reason

I must share the real reason I took my trippy....it all began with my buddy Pat - whom I have always called "old biddy bitch" and before you think I'm too tough with my words....I am and he's okay with that.  You see if you are endeared to me...which I hope you are - I always come up with a nick-name for you...it is what it is...Pat is one of those guys that has a huge heart and is the oldest one of our crew.  There are four crew members: Pat, Barry, ME, and  Gordo (munkey)..we fell into the "crew" by way of "just because" at Bermudian Airpark where we all have planes and fly them with simple quiet grace...most times...:-)

In December "Old Biddy Bitch" turned 60 years young and 3 months later I turned 50 years young and when I opened my hangar the weekend of my main event - there was a pink (yuck) wrapped book titled "Women in Aviation" and inside the first page Old Biddy Bitch - wrote the following:

Happy Birthday, Hell Bitch.... I hope this book inspires you, however in order to achieve aviation greatness you must submit to the teachings of the "Three Wise Men". Just sayin...LOL

I turned page after page of short stories of some really amazing women, I was enamored by a few that I wondered by slim margin if I might be able to actually meet them...I can't tell you why I wanted too but I did.  I made a few notes and realized for my trippy the first main event for me had to start in "Kitty Hawk" where flying was born - it's where I had to trek too and was my target from day one.

The last designation for me was to head west and I found myself by the most amazing luck of the draw in Smith Mountain Lake meeting some new friends while the last main event I had was to visit the "Flying Circus" where Marty Goppert had once flown a Stearman and I wanted to meet her.  By happenstance over the summer I was introduced to Jana at my home base- Bermudian Valley - and while chatting she mentioned she happened to be a wing-walker at the "Flying Circus"?? I said you do what???  So, intriguing and my curiosity kicked into overdrive..I wanted to know the whys, hows, and when..My goal now was to see Jana wing-walk at the Circus and maybe meet Marty..our world really is so small.

Time tables or the stars don't always align and I'm okay with that, I adapt very well when it comes to flying.  The reason I mention this is Jana was not going to make it to the Circus when I was there...I believe that things happen for a reason and it kinda was in the cards for me to meet Chuck the wing-walker for on that day Girly Plane and I got to fly into the Circus.  It's so cool how things fell into place..kismet and a WAY cool way to end my trippy.

While during my trippy I met some of the most unique, amazing, friendly folks; it was when I was allowed to fly into the Circus that I was on another cloud nine...you ever hear about things happening in "three's" well they happened in "ten's" for me the entire trippy...please, please tell me why?????  While mentioning the reason I had the Circus as the last main event of my trippy to Chuck the wing walker his pilot Jim overheard me...however, with tight time constraints and a show about to begin we never got to chat...

Fast forward to two weeks after my trippy and I receive a call from Jim who explains that he is a friend of Marty's and he mentioned me to her and she wondered if I might call her?????..You see she was intrigued that someone wanted to meet her...dunny...(funny my MEism) let me clarify something or rather admit something........my husband whom I love to discuss candid and passionate any topic...had quite a lengthy conversation about this and he said perhaps it was simple gender bias and the fact she's a woman flying a Stearman.   Truth -  it's simple I read about Marty and was just curious......curiosity is something I've never been able to run away from...I always will and do run towards it...and I really liked her story...and YES it was cool she flew a Stearman...hehe..get it...?

I called Marty Goppert and we exchanged stories of flying, the how did you get into flying, how many hours do you fly, and what is it about flying that attracts you.....for me the freedom and being free from all things above our beautiful world.

I was giddy as a child after our call and we promised to keep in touch and I hope we do..if not for another reason than to swap and exchange stories on occasion.  The irony is when the book was written she was 51 years young and living an adventerous life and when I look in the mirror...hmmm...well you get the jist...life is after all and should be an adventure.

It is my humble belief we should never close the door on new opportunities, reach out and grasp them and find a place for them in yourself...you might surprise yourself and find a new friend.



Wednesday, September 26, 2012

GIFT - Being Thankful

I'm always thankful for the invitiations I recieve to 'tag along' with fellow aviators..I love anything about planes and my close buds know this........it's citing and evident in all I do...I could talk about and delve into all day long...call it passion, call it strange.....for only a few of my buds...it's just plain normal...can't splain too well...but, I feel it so deeply.....and if you look into my eyes you will see it too...straight up.
There are moments in life that call out or scream to us with a vengenance...I have most times taken to them and relished them.....I recommend you run to what screams out at you no matter what others think.
While the generosity of pilots towards fellow aviators is a valued treasure I realish..hardly ever if never does it surprise me...I always feel most comfortable around my fellow aviators...common interests and excitement of anything brings people together don't you think?  I do.....
Fast forward to Joe and Ann Fischera of Kentmore MD....two amazing aviators that have had a love of aviation for years as told by Ann...married mucho years - Joe is 92 years young and his bride is 82 and to this day Ann says that Joe works on his planes each and every day...stories are shared by her and there are so many similiarities to me and Barry......comforting as we're not SO strange...maybe, just maybe we get it??
My buddy Gene wanted me to tag along and see Joe's 1929 bi-plane called a BYRD that he refurbished, once owed by Anne Morow Lindbergh - yep the wife of Charles Lindbergh..
Anne was a noted author and pilot who had a passion for flying and was constantly searching for her place in life as during the 1930s - 1940s women often had no outside interests other than family...and Anne struggled with this.
Her most telling mark was to believe "if you surrender completely to the moments as they pass, you live more richly in those moments"...I strive to surrender to what are important moments to me...sometimes at the cost of others.......is that SO selfish?...be honest do you ever do for YOU? listen "I " like you have a one way ticket to the last stop of the train of life - do you really give up your dreams for others...shame on you...yes, I say shame on you.
As is usually for me and my buds, we each depart BVA solo to head down to Kentmore, MD to see the BYRD - you see we want to fly our own planes and just BE above this magnificent earth...it doesn't mean we don't chat and ask a few questions "what's your airspeed", "how far out are you", "what alititude are you"...it's the way we communicate...with many quiet moments of solitude which I for one enjoy immensely...just knowing we are together yet alone at the same time...quiet peace...
When we crest the bay heading toward Kentmore Island, on the far shore the rich green and blue colors abound in all directions...our world never ceases to amaze me...what we as aviators see above the world.....I can only hope you have seen..if not stop by and I will show you what I see..gladly...I love to share our love of flight with others.
We land and head down to Joe's house which happens to be located on the airport..lucky Joe & Ann -they have the perfect set up larger hangar space with a smaller size home...I'm SO digging this....Cessna 140, Tri-Champ and finally THE 1929 BYRD sitting in the end hanger - once owned by ANNE LYNDBERGH!!!....please tell me you are in awe of this piece of history...even if you're not, I am... it is pristine, magnificent, and just beautiful...Joe is very proud of this plane that has taken him about 10 years to bring back to spendor if not better than it might have been in 1929.  What's intriquing is he's not focused on that this is a rare 1929 BYRD but that it's just a plane - regardless of who owned it... to Joe it's all about flying planes....I can relate to this...I wish I could fly it, ride in it...
I'm telling Joe what an amazing work of art the BYRD is.....it really is, you would have to be there to appriecate it - I have pictures to prove its amazing beauty.....unexpectedly he says hop in there and sit where Anne once sat...silly you might say-but I'm struck by the amazing history and the stories this plane holds.  How the rudders work, the trim, just sitting in the seat and I envision myself flying her....I wish I could splain what I really feel...trust me - it's probably one of the most special days for me.....dunno - sentimental perhaps?...just don't tell anyone...:-)
We head down to the marina for lunch, me and my buds and heading back I realize I have once again seen something that most others will not appreciate or even see.  You see I am in awe of many things, longevity of life, passions that people share, how Girly Plane flies through the sky, the beauty of anything I see from above the earth....the deepness of my soul is most satisfied while sitting above our world in quiet splendor and simply being.......I wish you could feel what I feel....or better yet, my wish is that you do feel deeply about your passion in life.
We head home and while flying over the Bay Bridge (yeah - the Bay Bridge) I'm silly and goofy at the same time..the pure blue of the water - so calming..however, soon my ride home is quite turbulent but I'm okay with that.....you see it's only the clouds I'm flying near and It's really where I feel most at peace...today it was about a special journey - what I saw - and just being with some cool people that's what it's all about...I so dig that.
We arrive home and I'm so cited to tell Barry what we did today...we take a minute to relax and then make eats as the spouses come down for dinner and it ends up being a pretty special day among friends...
I'm ready to embark on my next adventure...soon......I'll keep you posted....

Friday, September 21, 2012

HOME BOUND - 9/16/2012

I have to say this experience has been very hard to describe without sounding kinda lame..the journey, the people, the views are forever etched in my mind and I am fortunate that I can pursue my love of flight..I hope you find the "Joy" that rocks you.

Yesterday, my last day at Smith Mtn Lake - I flew ZERO hours....instead I went boating with my new friends, finally- took a hot shower...they did say I was getting kinda smelly..;-)

The next morning "Go home day" dawn never rises and the SUN never shows itself to my eyes......why is it that I'm still sleeping it's 7am on the day I'm flying HOME!!!...ughh...it's cloudy, overcast and raining...really??...Ok settle, settle...I do some of my own research..smart phones and technology are great, most times. A long away from home and once again I'm wondering WTH was I thinking on one side of my mind (left/right?) and then I say hey wait a minute...you got this and
 re-group and figure it out...my mamma didn't raise no wussy...

This is my trippy and I'll figure it out....I had planned on landing at about six airports with my main focus to see the show at the Flying Circus in VA about 175 miles away.

Well here is how I figure it out..I can see the mountain..it's only light rain..take off and see what the world looks like from above...I say goodbye to my new friends and they all ask me to promise to text/call them when I'm home....are you feeling it?.....it really was special.

I take off and I can see rain cells on either side of me...and like G always says avoid and you'll be fine....so I fly in-between...at this very moment I'm not worried or skeered...I'm kinda digging the terrain and it's peaceful...raining lightly and Girly Plane and I are fine.

So - I head off to New London, then Lynchburg (cause my buddy G lands there in a DASH -hehe then over to W24 - Falwell Airport a runway not for the faint of heart(both Gene & Gordo landed there) and it was a trip to touch my wheels....onto Gordonsville...didn't know G had airport named after him...it was kinda boring...just sayin...lol..to Orange County with my target on Culpeper...I've always wanted to land there...and it was kinda quiet..I walked around a bit, talked to a few folks and onward...Warrington to pick up my courtesy car to head over to the Flying Circus - a place I've heard of for years......I land Girly Plane totally cited and find out the car is gone...I walk outside and see a few guys milling around and ask "anyone happen to be going to the Circus"..sure we'll drive ya over...the best offer was standing to my right - Chuck...we chat a bit and he says we don't normally do this, how about I hop in your Citabria and you fly your plane into the Circus...WHATTT??!!??? I say Chuck - I'm SOOOOO IN.......and away we go..he is a bit concerned as it's a tricky place to land and I assure him "I got this"..trust me....and after landing spot on he says yeah..I guess you nailed it..Whoo hoo...I'm telling you I have the biggest smile on my face...how did I fall into this??? Chuck invited me to the pilot briefing and I'm so in AWE!!!...unbeknown to me he asks me to stand up and tell everyone where I have been on my trippy...aviators are always interested and it's so cool as afterwards I am approached by quite a few folks...it's cool sharing stories and the camaraderie is palpable...you see they "get" it..the journey...

I stay for the entire show, Chuck is the main attraction wing walking and it's insane...no harness or any secure measures..nutty....I'm winding down and thinking sooonnnn...I'll be home - sweet - home...Bar and my crew...can't wait...

It's now time to say goodbye to the Circus and Girly Plane is beggin to take off for her last leg...over a few mountains...and my journey crosses the Harpers Ferry and it's a beaut..what an incredible experience and I feel I've had the worst time trying to easily "splain" what I felt...(joy, trials, peace, intenseness, trials, solitude - I dig, accomplishment) I am fortunate to have found something that is amazing fun and beyond awesome...all because about 20 years ago my hubby (my best friend) said why don't you take a lesson..you see I hate challenges..yuck...lol...gotta tell you he digs that I have the same passion although he worries about moi...I must admit, each time I landed on this trippy we had a "deal"  I would "check in" and he'd say what the heck are you doing there???......LOL...if you know my Bar you can envision him saying that........I'm blessed beyond words..

Here I will list my airports and a few things for you..but, really for my own memory....


Miles; 820
Fuel spent ; a lottttttttttttttttt...I cannot add up...don't ask me.
States; PA, DE, MD, VA, NC WV
hang gliding - amazing I'd do it again
my buds - checking in on "little bitch" (just go with it) and me shooting them pics...priceless.....they get my obsession..it's such a good drug that we share
Smith Mtn Lake - amazing friendliness where we all got along...makes me have faith in us...I have never lost faith..

While this trippy was something I've dreamed about all year..I have another trippy I've always wanted to try.......guess you'll have to check back to see when I go....

Monday, September 17, 2012

The Journey Continues - Day two Sept 15th, 2012

I am and usually can be a killjoy (one of my buds words -tanks) when I plan trips. You see I have this knack of worrying about weather..the what ifs..what if it rains, if the clouds are low..bleh..you might laugh but I am not a learned weather person....I'm in awe of the mystery of it, aren't you?...when I'm close to home base where I know the area and terrain well I go towards the storms...it's SO cool as they approach and build and I dig flying near them..but not so much on my trippy, I was worried today and on edge. My choices were to stay grounded for a bit or head north...around this weather system an iffy forecast from the briefer rain and low clouds made me quite concerned...I opted to call my new friends at the hang gliding field to see if we could go hang gliding and a resounding yes was told to me! come they said..lol..I preflighted Girly Plane and off we went and only after I circled overhead First Flight airfield and looked towards my initial route (rain and low clouds) I knew I made the right choice heading north to what actually felt easy as I landed there the day before.
On the first pull the ultralight line disconnected from the kite..and I'm sitting there saying "self"...umm ok is that gonna happen again at 100 feet?..gheez..well off we went and the quiet, slendid views and launch were easy and he let me take the controls right away and I flew our bird over the water and it was so open and peaceful...no thoughts of fear only wonderment. When we headed back I begged him to spin the kite and we did about four times...never ceases to amaze me how I can let loose and trust...Do you?
After we landed the kite;  I was ready to head WEST to continue my adventure and did a wee "missed approach" for the boys..hehe...not bad for a girl they said on the radio as I departed...gheez.....lol..by now I'm just going with the flow..it's like the cave ages...I mean just cause I'm a chick... and I can fly an airplane..just as good as the boys..really...is it that unique? it shouldn't be...ain't just sayin..

So, Girly Plane and me are just mossing along and it boggles my mind...I'm solo, in charge of my destiny and SO digging it...navigating along by looking at the map and hitting my check points...flying along Lake Gaston it was quite turbulent and beautiful at the same time....and when you are alone your mind wonders - flying is just the coolest..can you dig this?...what I'm doing..not like the big cappy's but, hey...I ain't got any "pigs" on board..can do as I please. freedom..350 miles later I'm SO close to my final destination..Smith Mtn Lake and straight ahead I can see some big ASS mountains..really? I'm tired and hungry.I climb above them find the airport and I land, park and meet Joe the owner a quasi contankerous man who thinks he's entitled to an owe from people.....however he is very nice to moi...after he quizzes me "tell me about ME"...funny.. He decides I cannot camp out but must sleep in his empty apartment..no hot water..but hey I just go with the flow..I always do...details are overrated.
He gives me a bicycle to ride to town, mind you I'm starved, dehydrated and it's 4 mile...really?..lol....two "rednecks" stop to offer assistance..bleh.....my first thought when I just about died riding the bike to the store..BEER....really...I grabbed two, some fried chicken, a salad and asked the cashier can you pack that up good?....(the beer) I'm on a bicycle mind you...I survive the ride and decide to head down the runway with my food and beer and I'm stopped by the nicest folks who have homes/hangars on the runway towards the cove....and here is what is the coolest......would you put yourself out there and connect with strangers?...remember we are all on a journey.  I'm quite an open person and curiosity is my staple. So, lemme tell you at sunset I'm thinking I'll go to the apartment and just chill...uhhh noooooooooooooo...riding my bike back..Mike West enters my world and his sweet wife Sue who thinks I'm her hero..(I tell her I'm no one's hero) gheez...get over here we're having cocktails and we want to meet you they yell...haha...so, I take a glass of red wine from them and I'm enveloped into the group..quite easily...quiping and having fun...they insist I'm staying one more day...a boat ride and eats with the four of them......I'm game...here I am 350 miles from home on a bike and it's what I do at our home base...ironic eh? Are you able to fit into any fold easily..? I'm dying for a hot shower and simply straight up ask...ok which one of you wants to waste some hot water on moi?...needless to say...I'm a moocher cause I think people want to help and I get it...I would do the same to a stranger..wouldn't you?...so I take Mike & Sue to eats Saturday night and I'm telling you it's like I've know them years...Sue says how is it you "get" us so well...dunno I say...it is what is is...well tomorrow morning I'm leaving and hugs around they are worried about me making it home safely.promise me they say..text us when you are home...and well I'm fearless tonight and tomorrow well it's another day.........will be what it will be....tomorrow I'm heading home to MY Barry..the man who introduced me to my love of flight........

Thursday, September 13, 2012

First of Firsts - Day One

I'm trying to sit here and see you sitting across from me..do you really want to hear about my adventure I wonder. Well here goes...if you are so inclined..I had my biggest ever long cross country of flying Girly Plane on 9/13/2012. It really hasn't quite settled in that I was sitting in Kitty Hawk, NC by my own doing...I was so exhausted after flying all day I literally coudn't function..skeery..the places I was at the people I met I want to bottle up and keep, ya kno? I wasn't sure what to expect...my heart and soul were soaring yet my mind was focused and intense. You see it was quite a challange to set off on a solo trippy. I set out on this journey and am blessed to have friends that back me up and a husband who lets me be free..yet while I'm away he's on my mind and I wish he were with me. I really wonder if I am a daredevil in disguise..lol..I flew about 4 hours and landed at about 4 airports. While at Currituck a vast runway my goal was to hang glide (a first for me, just because) and we had to postpone due to the high winds. The hang gliding guys were engaging and curious about me flying alone..I'm becoming used to this response....whats up with that? They wanted me to hang out, but my final destination was beckoning me ahead..the sky was dark and I flew threw a few light rain showers..and the winds were picking up quite a bit. I knew that Girly Plane and I were going to have our hands full landing a First Flight..Wright Bros a place I have dreamed about landing..an honor to be where it all began. To quietly thank them for the gift of flight is not something I take foregranted. I am and always want to be a soaring bird. It never ceases me to see the simple majestic beauty and when landing at FFA I will tell you I had tears in my eyes..no shame but joy that I had accomplished something that has been hiding in my heart and soul for years..truth is I was and will always be at home in the air. I walked to the local brew house and by now after not eating all day and famished, weak, dehydrated..ha..I drank three beers thought about what I had just done and slept soundly as I was at total piece with the first part of my journey..and the beer was awesome..just sayin..

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


What MOI nervous???...LOL...Well the eve before my trippy is finally here..how can that be? Planning - check, Girly Plane ready - check, ME ready - check and I'm not sure how I got here..LOL..A wild thought moi galavanting around our country solo...well It's gonna happen and I'm SO cited..I feel alive, daring, very skeered {truth} and ready to experience whateva is thrown at ME...How can I be this lucky? To those who know me, they know the {why}...the question I continue to hear..."are you going with anyone?" ..NO NO NO..!!!!..Bring IT...this is what Life is ALL about...goin for whateva you are passionate about...and well for me it's being a bird....aint just sayin...Can you dig it??

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Today was all about Gene Briener.....you see Gene is my friend and someone that I totally dig!..His wisdom, experience, knowledge and life stories are fascinating.  He is someone I nudge often, you see Gene is important to me and I worry about my buds...Gene is 86 and  has eats with us every weekend..during the week I try to checkin with him ..he is smart as a whip, can figure anything out and best of all can fly a plane as good as anyone I know.

He will often tell me that our hangar is the best kept secret in "Kralltown"...as Bar (Barry-hubby) can cook up a mean meal.  Every Friday is Steak and shrimp night and usually come high or hell water, Gene is always sitting in his hangar waiting for us and honestly we always will look towards his hangar to see if he's there, that's what buds do, look out for each other.

Anyhow, I'm getting a bit off track..Gene really wanted to go to "Fly-In" (in our terms folks fly in, check each other's planes out and BS) at Mexico Farms and well since I really hate to fly, hehe..I offered that I would take him.  Gene said if it moves him he will call me in the morning and we'd go....and well he called me..not being as limber as he used to be...I needed to physically nudge him in my plane..(can you picture it?) and off we went.  He had plotted the course in great detail and would call out check points, our time in flight in route etc..when we landed I had to once again nudge him out..(you getting the picture? lol) I sat and watched him meet up with his friends and listened quietly while they talked of days gone by...what's most comforting is how his group of friends has welcomed me into the fold...a mere girl (goil) LOL and no question we all respect each other as pilots..not gender based...one of the things I really try to earn in life..respect..shhh it's a secret...

So, while my day was all about Gene today, I'm glad that I was able to spend time with him and he  flew with me and wasn't screaming or skeered..we can hang out for hours on end either chatting or quietly and it's comforting...I don't who enjoys it more.....I will say for me...he's a gem and I'm glad he's on of my buds.

Monday, September 3, 2012


You know what's ironic, putting a flying trip together...pondering, wonderment of the "what", the excitement and anticipation keying you up and then having to change/delay your plans.  It's kinda hard to re-adjust to a new goal or different date...just sayin

D-Day for my BIG trip has to be postponed...the weather gods have decided I am not ready to embark on my trip and welllllll I gotta respect them.  I am still a newbie learning about weather and I really do enjoy life, which means you wait it out as a pilot.  While I have dreamed about this trip the entire summer, it will come in time and will be just as exciting and skeery as I've imagined in my mind, only a wee bit later than I had planned...:-)

I spent all weekend preparing, cleaning my Girly Plane, looking her over real good, gathering all the items needed for biggest trip ever...water for me, oil for her, food for me..dots (candy of choice)..and guts...BIG guts for me...haha

I have gone over and over the maps and have reviewed my check-points and fuel stops a bazzillion times..talked things through with my hubby and close pilot buds......I may be stubborn and confident but, I will always admit that I like to have input from them..it helps to share and be sure I'm thinking through all the angles.

While looking over the maps this weekend and the flying distance I've mapped out and all the airports I'd like to land at... well, thruth it is very overwhelming, quite a challange for moi....

So, I'm heading into work tomorrow (bleh) and next week we'll see if the weather gods grant me an open window.....a girl can only hope...

Thursday, August 30, 2012


Mary Ellen, ME, MEL, Bitch - I will answer to all of these names...

I took up flying about 23 years ago...everyone always wants to know why?...truth...My main squeeze, my hubby introduced me to his love of flying and well.....I got hooked. The freedom, the majestic beauty from a birds eye is well...speechless. I love hanging at our airport - Bermudian Valley Airpark, flying, reading and sharing..comradery, friendship, laughter, telling stories, and having my hubby's Bar's eats are not to be missed.

I'm adventerous enough to sometimes be called a goof or crazy........kinda is what it is...or "I am what I am"...get it?

Anyhow, I'm embarking on a BIG trippy next week (stay with me - I have many ME'ism's) and I'm skeered to death, excited (cited) and wondering what the hell was I thinking...so, tag along and I'll share with you what I see/experience.

Enough said for one day......BTW-I'm not much of a writer, so this might just bore you to tears...it's okay if you don't visit, I won't cry... :-)