Thursday, August 30, 2012


Mary Ellen, ME, MEL, Bitch - I will answer to all of these names...

I took up flying about 23 years ago...everyone always wants to know why?...truth...My main squeeze, my hubby introduced me to his love of flying and well.....I got hooked. The freedom, the majestic beauty from a birds eye is well...speechless. I love hanging at our airport - Bermudian Valley Airpark, flying, reading and sharing..comradery, friendship, laughter, telling stories, and having my hubby's Bar's eats are not to be missed.

I'm adventerous enough to sometimes be called a goof or crazy........kinda is what it is...or "I am what I am"...get it?

Anyhow, I'm embarking on a BIG trippy next week (stay with me - I have many ME'ism's) and I'm skeered to death, excited (cited) and wondering what the hell was I, tag along and I'll share with you what I see/experience.

Enough said for one day......BTW-I'm not much of a writer, so this might just bore you to's okay if you don't visit, I won't cry... :-)