Saturday, September 21, 2013

Final Amazing Day

Believe it or not I'm stumbing on what to see these adventures I take are so deep a part of my experiences of putting myself out there, alone, with flight planning, sightseeing, exploring and succesfully getting back home is a journey unto itself. ..I highly  recommend it.
The last morning I arrived at the FBO to ready Girly Plane..and ironically I had no real idea of which way I was going to fly home. My buddy Pat said why not fly to Niagara Falls? I was like that is wayyyyyy to far away  you goof! Anyhow, I was sitting at the briefing table with my maps laid out and a few local guys/instructors stopped to ask me a few questions...(was I in the Citabria - yes; was I really flying alone - yes; where was I going - dunno - any ideas?

And, so this is how my trip back home came to be. I decided I should venture north past the Finger Lakes one final time to fly along Lake Ontario west bound to the biggest, baddest falls..Ms. Niagara.

I landed at numerous small airports, some had activity and most did not. The air was smooth as ice and I swear I could see 100 miles. Every once in awhile I caught myself looking south towards the lakes, to freeze frame the beauty my eyes took in.
When I approached Rochester, I was ready to connect with a soul and talked to them to transition their airspace as it is quite a busy airport.

Finally, I could see Buffalo and I didn't need to talk to them only stay on Lady Lake Ontario's beach. I was now only 12 miles out and I contacted Niagara tower and he gave me the go ahead and procedures to stay above 3500 with right pattern on was too easy, in 2 minutes I'm going to be flying over NIAGARA FALLS..WTH? while I'm talking to him I saw the mist from the water and I was so excited, here was the bluest of blue days, sunny and no real winds...AND when I first approached (no lie) I had the biggest smile and kept saying this is probably one of the most beautiful sights I have ever seen...I cannot believe I'm here.

  I hope we have the freedom to continue to fly over the Falls and visit...everyone and I mean EVERYONE should visit the Falls....

I contacted Buffalo as now I was going to need to go through their airspace towards home and my hubster.

I stopped at a real neat airport called Akron in New York, what a great group of folks..they greeted me, fueled me up and I got to see some cool taildraggers..ended up staying close to an hour...this is the beauty of hopping airports, you just never know what will be...I so dig it!
I made my way south over some very beautiful mountainous terrian...flew over the PA Grand Caynon, what a marvel that is.
I landed one more time, called hubby and I was so dang giddy..he said what? I couldn't wait to tell him what I saw today but I insisted it had to be face to

One more hour and I would be home, where what they say is true.."where my heart is".
I tallied up my trip and here is what I came up with...about 25 landings (not sure I remembered all of them..damn memory) about 15 hours of airtime and close to 1000 miles..a wee bit much for 3 days..being I was grounded due to weather for one day...I'm still tired today..yet I flew over 2 hours today..hey if the weather is good ya gotta do it, right? I can sleep some other day...
My final thoughts-
I became addicted to flying and its all my hubster's fault as he introduced me to his love- LOL- he loves that we share this passion..he has created a monster as I love flying. Flying really does transport me above the world where the natural beauty is always amazing.   I have only a few very close buds that get my zaininess and passion for flying/life and this years trip I was missing that I couldn't share my adventures with my one bud during my trip...he has razed me for years that I would never get to Ithaca...well there is something to be said for a little bit of taunting...

I will continue to be silly and have fun being ME. I would love to have you tag along...its what we should do..share our goals/desires/passions.

Pictures..oh my do I have pictures...
1. The smaller lakes in Ithaca. 2. Approaching Niagara Falls 3. Rainbow view 4. Canada to the left, US to the right 5. Falls 6. Lake Erie 7. Some gorge in NY..real cool 8. T-6 in Akron NY 9. Gorge again NY 10. PA Grand Canyon

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

It isn't time yet - patience

Today was something I cannot describe just ears are ringing, I'm tired beyond tired and I need lots of sleep.

A few of you asked and it must wait...patience peeps.....I promise it will be worth it.

What has been most special is those of you that have reached out and kept in touch, I dig that we care for one another..far away or friend or old it's what I find most special in today's world.  I truly feel blessed and cared about.....thank you.

I treasure those of you that get what this journey is all about......tomorrow...I will spill.


I attached one picture that I took of the lady called Lake Ontario - she capivated me, I cannot tell you why but it was because of her I went West.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Its your dreams that matter

It's not the moments you have left its how you live each least that's what I try to live by.

I'm sitting here eating dinner trying to think of what to say on my blog tonight...funny so many thoughts are going through my mind.

I have been thinking of this adventure that I had today for a very long time...its still stuns me that folks wonder why I am flying solo...I know its unusual to see a woman pilot for most however, it really isn't as I know quite a few female pilots.

When I embark flying it is quite a surreal feels right kinda thing.  I love being above the earth and being in control and I'm okay with that.

Today, I drove out to the airport ready to get going on my flying adventure I had planned ..I locked my keys in the rental car first..then I went out to do a through pre-flight  on my (ice- covered plane) was 32 degrees...I noticed a hose sitting on my cowling and it was supposed to be attached to my fairly new one year muffler??  At least it wasn't supposed to be connected to my carburator...therefore we decided to just pull the hose off....I always run things by my hubster, its how we roll...meant no heat for me but I was okay with that I wanted to fly.

I headed north as I had a lady named Lake Ontario I wanted to meet and she came upon my eyes with a vengence..sounds simple but it was amazing and went on forever. The 1000 islands were waiting for us and I weaved in and out of the Canadian airspace (and before you think I'm rebel - its ok as long as you don't land) I wanted to stay in the air and I realized I had to land as I had flown over two hours. I fueled up and off we went...I flew back to the islands..spell bound again..

I headed south back to Ithaca and stopped at a few more airports, chatting with fellow cool to share our passion. When I came back to Ithaca I was dragging and all I was thinking of was a my car? The people at the FBO in Ithaca have gone above and beyond going out of there way with maps, ideas and help as needed.  They told me they had a clean bed in the back for corporate pilots? - I crashed for a nappy and fueled girly plane up was sunset chasing time. I hunted for her and the moon joined us and at the end of my flight I barely made it back to the airport before dark to land...when I tied her down and left all I could think of "I wish Bar" (my hubster) were here with me. No worries, he doesn't like adventure trips and I hubby gets it...flying is MY/OUR thing.

Pictures- 1. My first view of Lady Lake Ontario 2. This island located in Canada greeted me and was fun as I dig windmills 3.. St. Lawrence river where the 1000 acres are.

Reach for your passion and dream on!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Change can be GOOD

I had a flying day all mapped out and wellllll it didn't happen and I'm okay with that. I am learning to adapt when my plans go awry.

I checked Ithaca weather in the morning and 800 overcast = no, I grabbed a map of the local waterfalls my new friends at the FBO gave me and headed off in the sunshine I could see peaking through.

I ended up hiking at the first waterfall with a few folks, its so easy to strike up conversations with people, I SO dig hearing there story...and then I went to a number of other State Parks and hiked until my back and legs were like rubber..haha...gotta say that at each stop I would check Ithaca weather...rain and low ceilings prevailed. I kept wishing it would change however, around lunch time I decided that if you are not going to be able to be a bird...maybe just maybe I should go see and visit a few wineries. It turned out to be a fun afternoon afterall.

Tomorrow will be the big day...I'm going to do my own thing and see if I can go after my flying goal of simply having fun with enthusiasm that I find myself growing towards in a big way.

I attached a few pics that I took and I'll label them...1. I came upon this circle of rocks which I really liked and being curious- wondered why? 2. This large rock formation along the trail caught my attention 3. This Mill is from 1917 located at the Robert Treman State Park where I hiked to see the most beautiful waterfall - Lucifer 4. Lucifer the loudest and tallest Waterfall I saw today 5. The first Winery called Americana Vineyards - had a great Cab Sauvignon 6. I stopped in town for a bit and saw this guy yelling at these women...wth? .Cornell is known for Women to watch.

Our First Day

Since I started flying I have always wanted to fly up here to see the "lakes" in Ithaca, New York no real reason just because. I took off from home base excited and flew along the first 100 miles or so in mild choppy air and then I saw the point I have never been past and looming ahead was some high mountains that seemed to go on forever. After I landed I seemed to have ants in my pants. I asked the FBO (who happen to be a fantastic group of folks) to fuel her up as I was going to eat a snack and Girly Plane and I had to head out again  When you wander around the skies up here its lake upon lake upon lake with unbelievable ruffs along each lake. Funny after flying over two hours up I ended up circling a few sail boats and I didn't want to land. The sky was slowly saying good night and I made my way back to my home base. I tied Girly Plane down and tapped her did a great job! This might seem silly to you, but its what we do, those that fly..By this time I was starving and near death and it was time to leave the airport. Funny, I have a very hard time leaving my "real" home base airport and I was lingering here in Ithaca as a Dash commuter plane was taking off..such cool planes. My buddy Chris said I had to go to the Ithaca Brewery..yuck..hehe...I headed out and my GPS took me to some abandoned buildings? WTH? I couldn't locate it and phone number didn't work..really? I drove to the hotel and THANK GOD they helped me..I was breathing shallow and my lips were blistering and I was parched...they had moved and nothing had been updated in GPS. Go any case Ms. Erin picked my dinner and beer for the closing to a great begining of my trip and I had a full belly and had some great beer...I seem to be an idiot when it comes to posting I will label them. 1. The spot that I have never been past while flying-was wierd and I don't know why. 2.These windmills greeted me in New York - I really dig them. 3. My first view of Cayuga Lake the longest lake 4. A large winery I marveled at. 5. I found this really cool falls on Seneca Lake. 6. The best place to have a beer..I ended up sitting outside and enjoyed the crowd and chilly temps.

Thursday, September 12, 2013


Ok so here goes..leaving a day early to make my destination due to weather moving in....Girly Plane begged me and I caved...she is all packed AND I even have more than 3oz of lotion and shampoo which are allowed FLYGIRL AIR allows...LOL....I have this hunger for taking her and plugging holes in the sky and screaming HAY to the world. My passion runs deep...almost to an addiction you might matter is what it is..who I am through and through, something I have been fascinated with a long time and even I cannot explain the pure freedom and peace it gives me. Today, we are off for a trippy "yea I have MEism words" drives some people insane and I can't help it. So, if you want pour a cup of java and follow along as if you were sitting in my passenger seat...kinda wish you were..really...this picture depicts Girly Plane at our barn where I feel the most at ease..and where I simply can be ME.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


The best laid plans should not always come to be. What I mean is you need to appreciate that you can adapt and be willing to embrace the unknown.  I have been an explorer of sorts for many years...looking for who knows what? I wasn't always like this..when I was younger I conformed to standards that I always questioned. Why can I not be unique and quirky...traveling through life having to or being told to fit in...I like to laugh and be silly and enjoy every second. I am planning once again to embark on another discovery of me, flying in the skies and just going with the flow...who knows were I might happen to end up...:-) I am so very excited to embrace this next flying journey.