Monday, September 16, 2013

Our First Day

Since I started flying I have always wanted to fly up here to see the "lakes" in Ithaca, New York no real reason just because. I took off from home base excited and flew along the first 100 miles or so in mild choppy air and then I saw the point I have never been past and looming ahead was some high mountains that seemed to go on forever. After I landed I seemed to have ants in my pants. I asked the FBO (who happen to be a fantastic group of folks) to fuel her up as I was going to eat a snack and Girly Plane and I had to head out again  When you wander around the skies up here its lake upon lake upon lake with unbelievable ruffs along each lake. Funny after flying over two hours up I ended up circling a few sail boats and I didn't want to land. The sky was slowly saying good night and I made my way back to my home base. I tied Girly Plane down and tapped her did a great job! This might seem silly to you, but its what we do, those that fly..By this time I was starving and near death and it was time to leave the airport. Funny, I have a very hard time leaving my "real" home base airport and I was lingering here in Ithaca as a Dash commuter plane was taking off..such cool planes. My buddy Chris said I had to go to the Ithaca Brewery..yuck..hehe...I headed out and my GPS took me to some abandoned buildings? WTH? I couldn't locate it and phone number didn't work..really? I drove to the hotel and THANK GOD they helped me..I was breathing shallow and my lips were blistering and I was parched...they had moved and nothing had been updated in GPS. Go any case Ms. Erin picked my dinner and beer for the closing to a great begining of my trip and I had a full belly and had some great beer...I seem to be an idiot when it comes to posting I will label them. 1. The spot that I have never been past while flying-was wierd and I don't know why. 2.These windmills greeted me in New York - I really dig them. 3. My first view of Cayuga Lake the longest lake 4. A large winery I marveled at. 5. I found this really cool falls on Seneca Lake. 6. The best place to have a beer..I ended up sitting outside and enjoyed the crowd and chilly temps.

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