It's not the moments you have left its how you live each least that's what I try to live by.
I'm sitting here eating dinner trying to think of what to say on my blog tonight...funny so many thoughts are going through my mind.
I have been thinking of this adventure that I had today for a very long time...its still stuns me that folks wonder why I am flying solo...I know its unusual to see a woman pilot for most however, it really isn't as I know quite a few female pilots.
When I embark flying it is quite a surreal feels right kinda thing. I love being above the earth and being in control and I'm okay with that.
Today, I drove out to the airport ready to get going on my flying adventure I had planned ..I locked my keys in the rental car first..then I went out to do a through pre-flight on my (ice- covered plane) was 32 degrees...I noticed a hose sitting on my cowling and it was supposed to be attached to my fairly new one year muffler?? At least it wasn't supposed to be connected to my carburator...therefore we decided to just pull the hose off....I always run things by my hubster, its how we roll...meant no heat for me but I was okay with that I wanted to fly.
I headed north as I had a lady named Lake Ontario I wanted to meet and she came upon my eyes with a vengence..sounds simple but it was amazing and went on forever. The 1000 islands were waiting for us and I weaved in and out of the Canadian airspace (and before you think I'm rebel - its ok as long as you don't land) I wanted to stay in the air and I realized I had to land as I had flown over two hours. I fueled up and off we went...I flew back to the islands..spell bound again..
I headed south back to Ithaca and stopped at a few more airports, chatting with fellow cool to share our passion. When I came back to Ithaca I was dragging and all I was thinking of was a my car? The people at the FBO in Ithaca have gone above and beyond going out of there way with maps, ideas and help as needed. They told me they had a clean bed in the back for corporate pilots? - I crashed for a nappy and fueled girly plane up was sunset chasing time. I hunted for her and the moon joined us and at the end of my flight I barely made it back to the airport before dark to land...when I tied her down and left all I could think of "I wish Bar" (my hubster) were here with me. No worries, he doesn't like adventure trips and I hubby gets it...flying is MY/OUR thing.
Pictures- 1. My first view of Lady Lake Ontario 2. This island located in Canada greeted me and was fun as I dig windmills 3.. St. Lawrence river where the 1000 acres are.
Reach for your passion and dream on!
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